Swim School Policies
Tivoli Swim School Policies
All patrons must adhere to the pool rules displayed within the centre, located at the entrance to the facility. Access to the indoor area is strictly for staff and swimmers only.
It is the parent’s responsibility to control any young children watching training sessions and to
keep children within the courtyard area. All spectators must be seated in the courtyard area,
whilst lessons are in progress. No ball games are permitted in this area.
No child is to be outside the pool building, at any time, without the direct supervision of an
Swimmers must be punctual for all sessions. Any swimmer arriving more than 10 minutes
after the scheduled starting time will be allowed in the water only at the coach’s discretion.
Noise is to be kept to a minimum when arriving and departing from the pool. In the change
rooms please keep noise levels down. No rowdy or raucous behaviour.
All swimmers must supply their own training equipment, as required for their squad level.
Swimming costumes worn must be of the racing type. Swim caps and goggles must be worn
at all times, within squads and at the teacher’s discretion, within a learn to swim class.
Swim school equipment is to be treated with care and replaced after each session.
It is expected that swimmers will, at all times, behave in a well-disciplined and sportsmanlike
fashion and treat all coaching staff, other swimmers and parents with respect. Anything less
will not be tolerated.
Parents, parking is very limited in Tivoli Ave. Residents must be considered at all times and
blocking driveways or double parking, at all times, is to be avoided. We recommend car-
pooling or a pick-up service, from After School Care, for Massie and Hampshire House
students, is available to girls with a 3.30pm lesson or other extra-curricular lessons.
All parents please be aware, due to limited seating, pool deck space and associated safety
concerns, only swimmers and staff are permitted within the pool area. Please feel free to
discuss your child’s progress with Pip, who coordinates all Swim School classes and squads.
She is available after class, in the courtyard area, or via phone/email.
TSS reserves the right to suspend or expel any swimmer for a severe or persistent breach of
these rules.
Confirmation of enrolment is via the Swim School invoice which is generated from your child’s
enrolment into the program. This will be emailed. Payment is due by the date stipulated on
this invoice. Days and times allocated can be found in the reference section of this too.
Cancellation of the enrolment spot offered must be done by the date stated on the enrolment
form or full fees will be charged. There are no refunds for any withdrawals during the term.
Credits can be applied for illness and/or injury, with a medical certificate.
We will endeavour to do a make up for illness if a class is available. There are no make-up
sessions for school camps, birthdays or doctor’s appointments.
Re-enrolment will take place in the last few weeks of each Term. Prior to this time, a
newsletter and reminder notice will be forwarded to all students, with policies noted. This form
must be completed and returned, to which an invoice will be sent. To secure the place in the
class, this invoice must be paid by the due date. New enrolments are offered a spot after the
re-enrolment date is closed. Late re-enrolments first preference may no longer be available.
If a swimming class cannot be attended, due to illness only, the Swim School office requires
24 hours notice to be eligible for a make up class. Notice under 24 hours will require a
Doctor’s certificate. No exceptions will be made so we kindly ask you to adhere to the policy,
to avoid disappointment.
Where possible a make up class will be arranged depending on availability. Make up classes
are not always beneficial as the same instructor may not be available. A maximum of 1 make
up class per term is allowed and must be completed within the term. Make up classes are not
guaranteed and there is no refund of monies paid for classes not attended.
Students will be changed from one level to the next at the teacher’s discretion and at the
completion of swim tests. This will only be done when the student has completed all the
requirements for the current level or in the teacher’s opinion the child has the ability or would
benefit from being moved to the next level. There is no guarantee that students will retain the
same teacher when changing levels.