Squad Training Programs for school aged children.
Squad Training Programs
The information below is our preliminary grading structure for our ‘Learn To Swim’ program. However, once a child is assessed they will be graded into a more specific group within the below group grading level. Children are all regularly reassessed throughout the term.
- Average school age is Yr 2 -5
- Recommended: 2 sessions per week
- Encouraged to attend Club Nights and Tivoli Swim Club Championships
- Is in the process of learning the fundamentals to all strokes and turns, plus hold a minimum of 8 x 50m fs on 1.30
- Average school age is Yr 3-6
- Minimum session requirement: 2 sessions per week
- Recommended: Club Nights, Development and Area Championships
- Aim is to develop a strong 200 IM
- Must be competent in all strokes, turns and be able to hold a minimum of 12 x 50m fs on 1.10
- Average school age is Yr 7 and above
- This is best suited for any girl or boy wanting to achieve good swimming fitness, without wanting to race or participate in Club activities on a regular basis.
Competitive Squads
Below is the squad pathway for any swimmer wishing to compete at NSW and/or Australian Swimming endorsed events. All swimmers must be current members of Tivoli Swim Club and racing regularly to be considered for an invitation into these groups.
- Is more than fulfilling the above Dolphins criteria, plus has been attending swim meets, on a regular basis and tends to swim more than the minimum of 3 sessions per week
- Must swim a minimum of 3 sessions per week and compete in at least 2 club carnivals per term
- Average school age is Yr 4-6
- Must swim a minimum of 3 sessions per week and compete in at least 2 club carnivals per term
- These swimmers should be aiming to compete at Metropolitan and/or State Age Championships, in both Winter and Summer
- Has acquired official times in all strokes and can hold a minimum of 16 x 50m fs on :55
- Average school age is Yr 7 and above
- Is very competent in all starts, turns and finishes, plus all strokes
- Can hold a minimum of 20 x 50m fs on :50
- Must swim a minimum of 4 sessions per week and compete in at least 2 club carnivals per term
- These swimmers are aiming to achieve at a Metropolitan, State Age and/or Open and/or Australian Age Championships or at the 5/ 10km events at the State and/or Australian Open Water Championships